
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family Portraits

We had our family portraits done today. One of the best things about the studi, is that each year we get a CD with the 50+ photos they took. The lady who took our photos this year was great; she got Abigail to smile for the camera.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fall Fun

Brrr! It's getting cold out. It's fall, but it's starting to feel wintry. I am not a fan of chilly weather. The weather actually turned cold earlier this year, and mid October saw highs in the 60-70 range. But, it warmed up in time for Halloween and lasted a good week or so. It's currently in the 40's outside though, so I'm feeling a bit chilled.

We began Halloween with a trunk-or-treat activity with Rowena. Her church/ward had a party the Friday before Halloween (which was NV day so I had the day off and was able to finish Abigail's costume). Someone set up a nice backdrop and took pictures.

Here's the picture from the party. I made Abigail this Jessie costume because she is obsessed with Toy Story. By obsessed, I mean she has watched one of the movies about 4 times a week since mid-August.
 Adam bought Abigail her own pumpkin and let her draw on it.
 On Halloween night at our ward party. Abigail had a lot of fun getting candy.
Early October
Abigail's first braid. I later braided it completely for her Jessie costume, but it's too thick and short to make a good whole braid. The partial braid was better. Below she has two small braids. She is usually good about letting me do her hair.

Abigail loves to help cook breakfast.

Just being silly.

My mom complains that Abigail doesn't smile for pictures. It's not that she doesn't smile, it's just that she won't smile when I get the camera out. She either wants to be silly and say cheese with a pseudo grin (see picture from Halloween), or she wants to grab the camera from me. I have a hard time getting a candid happy shot of her.

November so far
My mom was in town last Saturday. We took Abigail to the small Las Vegas zoo. We'd taken her once before, but she was probably 10 or 11 months at the time. It was a lot less busy this time. Abigail had fun petting the goats and feeding the pigeons and peacocks.

She really liked sitting on these statues. She loved the tortoises because she could get up on them herself. She went back to them several times, including just before we left. Abigail says 'tortoise' rather than turtle because we had a pet tortoise for a while (see cooking picture above). They were tortoises as the exhibit nearby included 2 African tortoises.

Abigail is feeding Mickey Mouse while waiting for her own dinner.

Playing in her tent

Adam and Abigail this morning before church. We got the dress yesterday at Walmart. It's a 4T, on my little two-year old. Of course she isn't that little. She's 38 inches already!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Summer has ended, so I figured it was time to post some pictures from our summer vacation.

At the begining of July we went to Washington for two weeks to see family. We went camping during the week of the fourth of July. My neice, Olivia, went with us.
Olivia reads Abigail a bedtime story the night before we go camping.
Abigail was dressed in red, white, and blue for the holiday.
My mom, Olivia, and I went horseback riding early on the fourth.

It was very cold on the beach on the evening of the fourth of July.
Abigail enjoyed playing on the sandy beach.

S'mores and a campfire

My mom with her grandaughters

 My dad with his grandaughters.
After camping, we drove to see Adam's sister, Julie, and her family.

We ended our trip with a visit to the Enchanted forest with Tara and Jason.

Random Summer Fun

Abigail loves the pool and is learning to swim.

This is what happens when she dresses herself.

 Making puding
First day of school

My mom came to visit for Labor Day weekend. She and Abigail took a nap together.

I'm a princess...

...who loves Buzz Lightyear.

We bought this piano from our neighbor. It needs to be tuned, but we all enjoy playing on it.
We took a trip to Lake Havasu, AZ in August. It was hotter than Vegas, so we really didn't do much. The parks were very neat though. We went to 6 or 7 different playgrounds. This first one has a three-story tall playstructure and slide. We forgot our camera, so these pictures were all taken with my phone.

The London Bridge. I guess when it fell down, they sold it to the founder of Lake Havasu. It was brought over and rebuilt brick by brick.
Sleeping on the way home.

And finally...we found out just as school was starting that we are going to have another baby at the end of April, begining of May.
We went to the doctor's this Friday and he did an ultrasound. The baby measured 8weeks and 1 day. I have a similar picture of Abigail at 8 weeks and 6 days. Abigail's actually looks like something though, with arms and legs. This one, not so much. The due date on the picture says May 2, 2013. That's my 30th birthday. The doctor said he's going to put the first as my due date though.